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Idea... and calendar... and 'sign up' of sorts...

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  • Idea... and calendar... and 'sign up' of sorts...

    I think we have all lost someone dear to us, though most us have not suffered the loss of our spouse...

    Alison invited us all into her journey and her very transparency allowed us to share in her joys, fears and feelings all through Al's illness. From that first post, she has shared it all with us - and now... 18 months later... we are part of the grief.

    Jodi and I were talking about some way that we all might be able to help now - since we feel so powerless... When you lose someone you are immediately thrust into an incredible sort of manic busy-ness, as you plan the service, pick up people from the airport, sit in your house full of people... and then a week passes and you're alone again...

    We thought of starting next week and sending out small care packages every few days or week, for at least a few months... so that there is something in the mail to keep her going... to remind her that she isn't alone... Doesn't have to something big, could be just a card - just to keep her supported.

    So, maybe we can post a calendar and we can all sign up for a care package - remember, doesn't have to be big... it could be fuzzy socks, or hot cocoa... just SOMETHING... for when she feels all alone.

  • #2
    CALENDAR - UPDATED Jan 16 8:00 pm (PT)

    I think this is current - please let others know, if they would like to help out. please email me for shipping info - doe2000 @

    Jan 14: TeresaIB1/SusanW
    Jan 17: Frances
    Jan 21: JodiG
    Jan 25: Jen (jersey-jen)
    Jan 28: Jen (jknyc)
    Jan 31: cindy/neworleanslady
    Feb 4: Leigh (LAD)
    Feb 7:Stacia1 (Michelle)
    Feb 11 - Valentine's Day this week:JodiG
    Feb 14: MaryAnn
    Feb 18:chelleyau
    Feb 21: Kelley21
    Feb 25: Katie2 / Melanie-Biscuit
    Feb 29: cindy/neworleanslady
    Mar: 3: Cindy/TX
    Mar 7:JodiG
    Mar 10: WasTarin
    Mar 14: MaryAnn
    Mar 17: jeni/knightzoo
    Mar 21: kari/kec
    Mar 28: midebbie
    Mar 31: Kelley21
    Apr 7: sgd
    Apr 14: Nicki/Twinks
    Apr 21: LiLi/Lianne
    Apr 28: LysaInSC
    May 5: (MOTHER'S DAY is the next SUNDAY) Kiki2(Alison)
    May 15: DD in DFW1/Dana - This is Alison and Al's anniversary week, if anyone else wants to send something, too
    May 28: ShellyWelly
    June 2: SaraV
    June 10: (FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 15) GeenaBeana
    June 17: ReneeNJ
    June 26: Kiska

    April 10 Al's BDAY: traci/Amelia
    May 14: Alison's BDAY ybab, peaches
    May 18: Alison and Al's Anniversary (11 years): Mic W
    Last edited by Doe; 01-17-2008, 12:02 AM.


    • #3
      That's a very good idea...

      Originally posted by Doe
      ...We thought of starting next week and sending out small care packages every few days or week, for at least a few months... so that there is something in the mail to keep her going... to remind her that she isn't alone... Doesn't have to something big, could be just a card - just to keep her supported.

      So, maybe we can post a calendar and we can all sign up for a care package - remember, doesn't have to be big... it could be fuzzy socks, or hot cocoa... just SOMETHING... for when she feels all alone.
      I had a similar idea driving around today -- I'd like to be able to help Alison in the coming weeks and months, too. Thanks for setting something up.



      • #4
        Another IMPORTANT DATE

        Alison has a son.....he is going to turn 16, I think!
        When is his birthday????
        Please make sure to INCLUDE him as is Al's stepson.
        MA...who will be back later tonight to post more


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mom2MitchandNick
          Alison has a son.....he is going to turn 16, I think!
          When is his birthday????
          Please make sure to INCLUDE him as is Al's stepson.
          MA...who will be back later tonight to post more
          I feel awful - I dont' remember her son's name -- she's so good about keeping her B2K posts about Hayley that I don't remember her posting her DS's name??


          • #6
            This is such a wonderful idea Doe.

            Can someone please e-mail me Alison's address. My e-mail is




            • #7
              Wonderful idea, Doe.

              I just spoke to Alison and she made reference to the fact that her house has been teeming with people for days and now it's quiet. She said her friend who lost his wife to breast cancer earlier this year told her about feeling abandoned after she passed. Alison wasn't complaining, she was just matter of fact.

              I got the information of where and when services are (Thursday 4:00-8:00 visiting hours and then funeral Friday morning at 10:00) and have been looking at flights to see if I can swing it.

              If Doe or Jodi confirm that this is a secure board (seems like PNOers are getting here through Cindy?) I will post the details of the the funeral home and church. I asked Alison if it would be ok to share it and she said yes, but I just want to take minimal precautions.

              Originally posted by Doe
              I think we have all lost someone dear to us, though most us have not suffered the loss of our spouse...

              Alison invited us all into her journey and her very transparency allowed us to share in her joys, fears and feelings all through Al's illness. From that first post, she has shared it all with us - and now... 18 months later... we are part of the grief.

              Jodi and I were talking about some way that we all might be able to help now - since we feel so powerless... When you lose someone you are immediately thrust into an incredible sort of manic busy-ness, as you plan the service, pick up people from the airport, sit in your house full of people... and then a week passes and you're alone again...

              We thought of starting next week and sending out small care packages every few days or week, for at least a few months... so that there is something in the mail to keep her going... to remind her that she isn't alone... Doesn't have to something big, could be just a card - just to keep her supported.

              So, maybe we can post a calendar and we can all sign up for a care package - remember, doesn't have to be big... it could be fuzzy socks, or hot cocoa... just SOMETHING... for when she feels all alone.


              • #8
                I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

                I was e-mailed the link to this board and wanted to help. I haven't disclosed this board to anyone.
                Last edited by neworleanslady; 01-08-2008, 09:49 PM. Reason: add information


                • #9
                  Updated list w/Special dates highlighted...

                  Jan 14: SusanW
                  Jan 17: Frances
                  Jan 21: JodiG
                  Jan 25:
                  Jan 28:
                  Jan 31:
                  Feb 4:
                  Feb 7:
                  Feb 11 - Valentine's Day this week:JodiG
                  Feb 14:
                  Feb 18:
                  Feb 21: Kelley21
                  Feb 25:
                  Feb 29:
                  Mar: 3:
                  Mar 7:JodiG
                  Mar 10:
                  Mar 14:
                  Mar 17:
                  Mar 21:
                  Mar 28:
                  Mar 31: Kelley21
                  April 10 Al's BDAY
                  May 14: Alison's BDAY
                  May 18: Alison and Al's Anniversary (11 years)
                  September ___: Hayley's bday - 8

                  Before I even saw this I bought a picture frame to send to Alison. She casn put one of Al's photos in it. I'm thinking maybe I will copy and paste the one where he looks healthy and put it in the frame for her. I'll mail it out right away!



                  • #10
                    His name is David - I haven't forgotten him at all, I just don't have his birthdate yet - I think it JUST happened.


                    • #11
                      WT, we allowed all PNO participants to view this board - we just wanted to not *publicize* it per se, so that Alison didn't have to wade through posts trying to figure out in what way to best support her... it seemed more stressful, IYKWIM...

                      Current list (I think) - I'll email people separately with the address info:
                      Last edited by Doe; 01-11-2008, 03:51 PM.


                      • #12
                        Just wondering...

                        Does anyone have (or could we create) a list of things like favorite restaurants, a local cleaning service, anything that would help with putting our individual gifts together? Maybe this is something that a volunteer could talk to Alison about, or talk to her minister (not now, of course, but at some point)? Just thinking it would helpful - I'd love to include a g/c to a favorite takeout place, something I know she and her kids would like, but I have no idea how to find that out. I'd love to make the package a little more personal if possible. OTOH, I've never been through anything like this, so this could be the wrong idea. Just throwing it out for discussion...


                        • #13
                          TeresaIB1, can you switch to another week?

                          I have my package all ready to send. Do you mind switching to another week?

                          Last edited by Doe; 01-11-2008, 04:27 PM.


                          • #14
                            Me, too Doe.

                            Originally posted by CindyTx
                            Hey Doe...

                            Please sign me up for the next available slot.

                            Thanks for all you are doing!

                            I don't want to run the risk of using a version that isn't the latest, so sign me up for a week or two and I will look for the final version over the next few days.

                            I do have Alison's home address, so anyone who needs it can e-mail me at wastarin at yahoo dot com.


                            • #15
                              That's a great idea, Justine - I'll try to track down some of that info today. I'll be talking to Alison and also emailing the photographer that did their photos.


