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two miscarriages no children yet.. I am new

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  • two miscarriages no children yet.. I am new

    I am new to INCIID, I was referred to this site from a friend. I hope I am posting in the right area.

    I've had two miscarriages. I was 11 wks the first time and no heartbeat. I lost the baby at 7 weeks. I had a D&C and three days after ended up in the hospital with an infection. I was in the hospital for three days. It was a horrible experience! I wish this upon no one.
    As it was our first baby and first miscarriage, we were devestated! I didn't know where to turn, where to find comfort. I was lost and depressed. Of course I had my husband, which was great thru the whole process, but they can only give so much. He didn't know what I was going thru, emotionally, mentally and my soul was aching.
    I did go to counseling and it helped but not to the extent that I wanted it too.
    The second time I lost the baby at 5 weeks. I miscarried naturally. It was like a period. But, this was mentally draining. I cried, and cried for days because I couldn't believe this was happening to me. WHY ME? Only GOD knows.
    My husband was very supportative but my heart was saddened and darkened. I felt alone, sad and blue.
    Our doctor ran many tests and found out that I have a defect with chromosome 13 and 14. He gave us a name for it but I don't remember what is was called. We have a 40% of miscarrying everytime we get pregnant.

    My husband and I are ready and really want a baby. It is very hard for us right now. I am trying to stay postive and upbeat but, at times.., I can't.

  • #2
    Rellie I am so sorry for your losses

    I hope that you are able to find the support and information you are looking for at INCIID. There are amazing supports here. I am going to add the link to our grief and loss board

    We have recently changed to this new format so our boards are a little slower while people get used to the changes. Feel free to visit our professionally moderated medical boards to ask any medical questions you may have.

    Me myself I have had 17miscarriages....I understand your sorrow...Inciid has been a great place for me to come over the years because I know I am not alone here.

    If there is anything I can do for you please let me know



    • #3
      Thank you so much.

      It hurts from time to time.
      There are trigger points and when that target gets triggered.., it takes me back.

      I am so sorry for your losses. Were they natural mc? Did you ever get an infection from and D&C? Did you ever get diagnosed?

      I got diagnosed and I have a defect with chromosome 13 and 14. I have a 40% chance of miscarrying. I am scared to death in trying to get pregnant again. I just want a healthy child.


      • #4
        Hey hun

        Yes I did have an infection I almost died. I was Ureaplasma infection. I was badly infected after being medically neglected after a second term loss. I also have LPD, Septate uterus and blood clotting factors. I know how hard it is to keep trying look for the support here and in local infertility support groups. If you want to talk feel free to email me anytime.



        • #5
          so sorry for your losses

          Reading your story made me cry for you. I am currently going through my 4th miscarriage, the 1st one after I had 2 surgeries to repair a uterine defect. I know it is so devestating. I just had my first D&C 2 days ago (the other 3 miscarriages I passed naturally) When did you develop an infection after your D&C? I am so sorry you had to go through that on top of everything else. If you ever want to talk please feel free to email or message me. {HUGS}

